I love them dearly for their delicious ice cream but tonight they nearly caused the complete destruction of my marriage.
Let me take you back to noon today. I was at work thinking about what I wanted to eat for lunch, I was hungry. Really hungry. Specifically, I was hungry for the pint of Ruby Jewel Maple Pecan ice cream I remembered was sitting in my freezer at home.
Thankfully, we had an appointment with our midwife at 2:00 so I'd be leaving work early. I knew that ice cream would be waiting for me at home after our appointment.
Truthfully, happiness isn't actually ice cream as the title of this blog suggests. Happiness is hearing Kai's heart beat through the doppler every month (but ice cream runs a close second). It makes me cry every time, the heartbeat not the ice cream.
So I head home from the appointment in a great mood and still thinking about my ice cream. (If you think I'm exaggerating my best friend will be happy to testify that I sent her an IM about how much I was looking forward to the ice cream around noon).
So, home after the appointment, a quick 30 minute nap, a walk with the dogs, 2 pieces of lasagne for dinner and I head for the freezer. I open the door and as the freezer vapor clears I reach in for my ice cream and...nothing. Nothing!? I look closer. No ice cream in sight.
Of course I knew what happened but I turn to Ben who's typing away on the laptop in the living room and in the calmest voice I can manage ask "Did you eat all the ice cream?"
Ben, "yes."
Me, "Yours and mine?"
Ben, "yes."
Me (with increasing hysteria in my voice) "Two pints?! You ate two points of ice cream? You didn't save me any? I've been looking forward to ice cream all day!"
Ben, "sorry." (Not actually sounding sorry at all.)
Now I realize it's just ice cream but come on... you don't come between a pregnant lady and her ice cream. Especially considering when I bought the pint for myself I bought him his own special pint of vegan pineapple coconut sorbet. And he'd eaten both pints!
To my credit I pulled it together. Barely. I pulled it together enough to say to Ben through gritted teeeth, "As soon as your last lesson is over tonight and before Glee you are taking me to Ruby Jewel for ice cream." I resisted the urge to punch him.
So I head home from the appointment in a great mood and still thinking about my ice cream. (If you think I'm exaggerating my best friend will be happy to testify that I sent her an IM about how much I was looking forward to the ice cream around noon).
So, home after the appointment, a quick 30 minute nap, a walk with the dogs, 2 pieces of lasagne for dinner and I head for the freezer. I open the door and as the freezer vapor clears I reach in for my ice cream and...nothing. Nothing!? I look closer. No ice cream in sight.
Of course I knew what happened but I turn to Ben who's typing away on the laptop in the living room and in the calmest voice I can manage ask "Did you eat all the ice cream?"
Ben, "yes."
Me, "Yours and mine?"
Ben, "yes."
Me (with increasing hysteria in my voice) "Two pints?! You ate two points of ice cream? You didn't save me any? I've been looking forward to ice cream all day!"
Ben, "sorry." (Not actually sounding sorry at all.)
Now I realize it's just ice cream but come on... you don't come between a pregnant lady and her ice cream. Especially considering when I bought the pint for myself I bought him his own special pint of vegan pineapple coconut sorbet. And he'd eaten both pints!
To my credit I pulled it together. Barely. I pulled it together enough to say to Ben through gritted teeeth, "As soon as your last lesson is over tonight and before Glee you are taking me to Ruby Jewel for ice cream." I resisted the urge to punch him.
I ended up taking myself to Ruby Jewel (too antsy t0 wait for Ben to finish work) with every intention of ordering the biggest ice cream sundae in the place. I ended up with just a scoop of cinnamon ice cream with dulce de leche sauce. And honey lavender ice cream on lemon cookies for Ben. Here's a picture of my happiness: it may not look like much but it tasted like perfection.