This article was shared on Facebook today and I thought it was worth sharing here. So at the risk of offending people (again)...
Ben and I determined well before we conceived Makai that it would be one baby for us (and we feel sufficiently guilty and hypocritical about that one contributing to the overpopulation of our earth). We had Makai for purely selfish reasons, we WANTED a baby. And we're lazy. We could have adopted but it can be difficult and expensive. I'll admit that. I'm not proud of it but there it is. There's a child out there in need of a home because I'm lazy.
I find it interesting that when people see us with Makai, without fail they ask when we're having another. Or make a comment along the lines of "he's so good, next time you won't be so lucky." I've heard this more times than I can count and our response is always the same, "There will absolutely not be a next time." People seem shocked by this. Or they don't believe us which is even more weird, they laugh as if they know more than we do and give us a "we'll see" look.
We love our Makai more than we ever thought possible. I won't say that I don't look at his sweet baby face and think that I could have 10 more. I do that. But I won't actually have 10 more or even 1 more.
In my opinion (again I'm lazy so I'm not actually going to go find the science to back this up though I'm sure it exists) we just don't have the resources to sustain the current rate of population growth. Oil, food, water - finite resources that we're already running out of.
What to do? The authors (Mary Ellen Harte and Anne Ehrlich) of the article say:
"Stop the denial. Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.
Promote and support family planning education at the family and community levels as a cheap way to reduce poverty and severe climate change. Support organizations that are trying to get contraceptives to the 200 million women in the world who lack and want them, and help them obtain equal rights, education and job opportunities. Access to contraceptives and reproductive freedom are rights, not luxuries, that ultimately benefit all of humanity. Vote for leaders who vigorously promote those humane solutions. And demand that media start educating the public every day on the role played by the unsustainable human numbers behind environmental degradation and human calamities — and start covering the solutions. The public needs a constant message: "It's time to stop growing and become sustainable."
My opinion? Stop having babies...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
I live here:PDX

These are my two favorite people in the world.
Ben did an interview for I Live Here: PDX. The picture above accompanied his bit. A-dorable. If I do say so myself.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What's In a Name?
An old post finding new I wrote ages ago but never posted.
When Ben and I found out we were having a baby we pretty quickly decided we wanted a girl. This was a reversal for me, I'd always said that if I had kids I wanted boys, only boys. They just seemed easier (knowing what kind of a kid/teenager I was). I think we fixated on having a girl early just because the name came to us so quickly. I was attached to Flora which was my paternal grandmother's name and a name I find to be incredibly sweet. Ben didn't love it so it got assigned as a middle name.
From there we decided to make lists of boys and girls names we liked with each of us having the power to veto any name the other put on the list. We actually had quite a few girl names that we both liked but when Clementine went on the list, we knew that was the one. So very quickly we had named our daughter to be: Clementine Flora Thompson.
Then we found out we were having boy. Crap. (I say crap but what I really mean is: Yay! It's a boy!) For real, once we knew it was a boy we of course realized we wanted a boy all along.
Back to the drawing board... Our criteria for names turned out to be pretty limiting. For a first name the following needed to apply: a name based in nature, no bile names or religious names. (So I say "bile" but what I meant was "bible" but on the read through bile cracked me up so I'm leaving it. I think it's fitting since the thought of the bible causes bile. For me anyway. Some people love the bible. I'm not one of them.) That criteria ruled out a lot of names.
We leaned toward Forrest for a while and then one morning randomly looking at baby name websites online we came across Makai. It was the first name we both instantly liked.
In Hawaiian, Makai means "towards the ocean". It's used as a direction, as opposed to north or south they say either towards the ocean or towards the mountain. So it's like naming our kid North or East but whatever. We liked it. For short we'd call him Kai. Kai has a lot of meanings in different cultures all of which we loved. To name a few:
Hawaiian - Ocean or Sea
Scandinavian/Greek - keeper of the earth (kind of a big responsiblity for a little man)
Japanese - Ocean or paddle (Ben and his dad take a paddling trip in Canada every year with Kai to join them eventually)
Navajo - willow tree
German - safe harbor
Burmese - strong or unbreakable
At least those are the definitions the interweb gave us. And the interweb is never wrong.
Makai it was. Once that was decided a middle name was even harder. Joking around one day one of us, I'm not sure if it was Ben or me, suggested Barack. We laughed about it but it kind of stuck. He became Makai Barack as a joke for a while and then we started to consider it more seriously. We liked that it sound strong and we like Barack Obama. Like a lot. We kind of love him. I'm pretty sure Ben has a man crush on him. I certainly have a crush on him. He's super duper handsome.
Really we both find him to be ridiculously inspiring and have you seen his wife? That chic is hot and cool and strong. Anywho - he's someone we'd be proud to be named after.
The final decision was made this week with the arrival of a box from My long awaited, pre-ordered copy of "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to my Daughters" by Barack Obama. It took will power but I waited until Ben got home to crack the cover and standing at the kitchen counter we read the first page and fell in love with a childrens book. As avid readers and lovers of stories we were moved by this charming book that portrayed not only the diversity of our country but also the clear love this man has for his daughters.
So last night we decided to name our son after the 44th President of the United States, a US Senator, Nobel Peace Prize winner, best-selling author and loving father.
Makai Barack Thompson will be our sons name.
And we figure that when Makai hits his rebellious stage as we're sure he will. If, as the son of two liberal parents he decides to rebel by being a Republican we can say to him, "Be a Republican all you want, but your middle name is still Barack."
When Ben and I found out we were having a baby we pretty quickly decided we wanted a girl. This was a reversal for me, I'd always said that if I had kids I wanted boys, only boys. They just seemed easier (knowing what kind of a kid/teenager I was). I think we fixated on having a girl early just because the name came to us so quickly. I was attached to Flora which was my paternal grandmother's name and a name I find to be incredibly sweet. Ben didn't love it so it got assigned as a middle name.
From there we decided to make lists of boys and girls names we liked with each of us having the power to veto any name the other put on the list. We actually had quite a few girl names that we both liked but when Clementine went on the list, we knew that was the one. So very quickly we had named our daughter to be: Clementine Flora Thompson.
Then we found out we were having boy. Crap. (I say crap but what I really mean is: Yay! It's a boy!) For real, once we knew it was a boy we of course realized we wanted a boy all along.
Back to the drawing board... Our criteria for names turned out to be pretty limiting. For a first name the following needed to apply: a name based in nature, no bile names or religious names. (So I say "bile" but what I meant was "bible" but on the read through bile cracked me up so I'm leaving it. I think it's fitting since the thought of the bible causes bile. For me anyway. Some people love the bible. I'm not one of them.) That criteria ruled out a lot of names.
We leaned toward Forrest for a while and then one morning randomly looking at baby name websites online we came across Makai. It was the first name we both instantly liked.
In Hawaiian, Makai means "towards the ocean". It's used as a direction, as opposed to north or south they say either towards the ocean or towards the mountain. So it's like naming our kid North or East but whatever. We liked it. For short we'd call him Kai. Kai has a lot of meanings in different cultures all of which we loved. To name a few:
Hawaiian - Ocean or Sea
Scandinavian/Greek - keeper of the earth (kind of a big responsiblity for a little man)
Japanese - Ocean or paddle (Ben and his dad take a paddling trip in Canada every year with Kai to join them eventually)
Navajo - willow tree
German - safe harbor
Burmese - strong or unbreakable
At least those are the definitions the interweb gave us. And the interweb is never wrong.
Makai it was. Once that was decided a middle name was even harder. Joking around one day one of us, I'm not sure if it was Ben or me, suggested Barack. We laughed about it but it kind of stuck. He became Makai Barack as a joke for a while and then we started to consider it more seriously. We liked that it sound strong and we like Barack Obama. Like a lot. We kind of love him. I'm pretty sure Ben has a man crush on him. I certainly have a crush on him. He's super duper handsome.
Really we both find him to be ridiculously inspiring and have you seen his wife? That chic is hot and cool and strong. Anywho - he's someone we'd be proud to be named after.
The final decision was made this week with the arrival of a box from My long awaited, pre-ordered copy of "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to my Daughters" by Barack Obama. It took will power but I waited until Ben got home to crack the cover and standing at the kitchen counter we read the first page and fell in love with a childrens book. As avid readers and lovers of stories we were moved by this charming book that portrayed not only the diversity of our country but also the clear love this man has for his daughters.
So last night we decided to name our son after the 44th President of the United States, a US Senator, Nobel Peace Prize winner, best-selling author and loving father.
Makai Barack Thompson will be our sons name.
And we figure that when Makai hits his rebellious stage as we're sure he will. If, as the son of two liberal parents he decides to rebel by being a Republican we can say to him, "Be a Republican all you want, but your middle name is still Barack."
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Big Successes and Small Fails

Success - Kai slept through the night. In his crib. In his own room.
Fail - Arrived at work and noticed that I have on a black bra with white polka dots (sorry to over share and there's more to come, if you don't want to know stop reading now) and a fairly sheer orange silk shirt.
I've found parenting so far to be a series of successes and failures. Above is today's example in short. Thankfully the successes are usually big and the fails relatively small.
So the big news is that Kai slept through the night, in his crib, in his very own room. He's a fairly good sleeper overall but the past couple of weeks we seem to be moving in reverse. He's been sleeping in a co-sleeper in our room and waking up multiple times in the night. Either Ben or I have to get up and replace his pacifier or feed/change him. This after months of sleeping 9 hours a night. We figured we'd try moving him to his own room just to see how it went. It's a bit quieter and cooler over there so maybe it would work. We followed our normal nighttime routine; diaper change, pajamas, music time, story time, bottle, bed. We let him cry for about 10 minutes (which felt like 3 torturous hours to me) before Ben went in and soothed him and replaced his pacifier. He passed right out at that point. At 7:15 this morning he was still soundly asleep without waking up once in the night.
--To give credit where it's due this success was largely Ben's. Left to me Kai would probably sleep in our room until he was 8.
High on our success but still exhausted, I didn't get to bed until 1 AM (damn you angry birds!)so basically got dressed for work in a haze. I arrived at work, got of my car and got the first good look at myself. My black bra with white polka dots clearly showing through my shirt. The shirt of course being bright orange in order to draw the most possible attention. Clearly I was half asleep, barely looked at myself in the mirror and need better lighting in my closet. Instead there will be a mid-day run to Kohl's for a cami. In the meantime I've got my cardigan buttoned which serves the dual purposes of hiding the tacky black bra and accentuating my saggy boobs and muffin top (aka post pregnancy body). I've also discovered those fancy Victoria's Secret bras are just not getting the job done anymore. Time for a big girl bra, not the made for super models with perky boobs bras. And don't even get me started on the wayward eyebrow hair I discovered in the visor mirror this morning (is it just me or does the visor mirror magnify them?) Fail!
And speaking of fails...this blog. It's super outdated. I have about a dozen posts in draft form. The goal is to have a couple posted this week with Makai pictures and updates.
The picture above has absolutely nothing to do with this post but it's a fairly recent one of Makai. Drool and all.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A Week of Firsts
This week was Makai's first outing for a full Mr. Ben show. We caught a few songs at Posie's last week but we made it to Milagros for a full show this week. Kai seemed to have a good time, he was calm throughout the show.
This week was also his first outing to a restaurant. Breakfast with Aunt Jess and Uncle Chris at Cup N Saucer. He slept through it. His first outing in his stroller, a walk to Kenton Park.
His first playdate (with Miss Sadie):

His first outfit that wasn't a one piece sleeper (he can finally fit into newborn sizes):

His first cloth diaper (thanks Milagros Boutique for getting us set up with preemie sized diapers even though he's still swimming in them).

And a few more pictures from his first weeks of life...
Heading home from the hospital:

Going for a walk in the Moby:

Sleepy time:
This week was also his first outing to a restaurant. Breakfast with Aunt Jess and Uncle Chris at Cup N Saucer. He slept through it. His first outing in his stroller, a walk to Kenton Park.
His first playdate (with Miss Sadie):
His first outfit that wasn't a one piece sleeper (he can finally fit into newborn sizes):
His first cloth diaper (thanks Milagros Boutique for getting us set up with preemie sized diapers even though he's still swimming in them).

And a few more pictures from his first weeks of life...
Heading home from the hospital:
Going for a walk in the Moby:
Sleepy time:
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Finally Home & Meal Baby
Ben's sister and one of Makai's favorite aunties (he has lots of favorite aunties) was kind enough to set up a meal baby registry for us. We've had lots of offers for meal support which are SO appreciated. This is just an easier way to keep it all organized. You can go to to sign up.
We're so happy to finally be home from the hospital and had a peaceful nights sleep in our own bed. Thankfully Makai is a great sleeper and an even better alarm clock. He wakes up every three hours like clockwork for a feeding and diaper change and we get some solid rest in between.
We'll be coordinating visitors soon though the doctors do advise that we limit his "play dates" until he's at least 4 weeks (full term) because he gets overstimulated quickly and his preemie immune system is more prone to sickness. However, limited visits from adults are okay and we are excited to show him off.
His Arizona Grandma (my mom) arrives tomorrow and for the next few days while she's here we plan on handing off some baby duties and stocking up on sleep.
Thanks everyone for your willingness to help out. We couldn't be more appreciative and look forward to visits and seeing everyone at a Mr. Ben show soon.
We're so happy to finally be home from the hospital and had a peaceful nights sleep in our own bed. Thankfully Makai is a great sleeper and an even better alarm clock. He wakes up every three hours like clockwork for a feeding and diaper change and we get some solid rest in between.
We'll be coordinating visitors soon though the doctors do advise that we limit his "play dates" until he's at least 4 weeks (full term) because he gets overstimulated quickly and his preemie immune system is more prone to sickness. However, limited visits from adults are okay and we are excited to show him off.
His Arizona Grandma (my mom) arrives tomorrow and for the next few days while she's here we plan on handing off some baby duties and stocking up on sleep.
Thanks everyone for your willingness to help out. We couldn't be more appreciative and look forward to visits and seeing everyone at a Mr. Ben show soon.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Waiting Game
A baby and momma update:
My water broke yesterday at 8:00am as I pulled into my parking spot at work. I promptly called Ben, had a quick conference call with the midwives and turned around and drove home.
I was at that time officially 34 weeks and 6 days into the pregnancy. That left me one day short of the required 35 weeks needed to continue care with our midwives.
Our head midwife made the decision to transfer us to Legacy Emanuel hospital to be checked out. We arrived at 1:15 yesterday and we've been here ever since.
The doctors wanted to induce yesterday since I wan't having any contractions but we asked to hold off at least one day. By law if we had Makai yesterday he would have been admitted to the NICU if he needed to be or not and we would have gone home without him. If we have him today he will only go to NICU if he needs to but we can most likely take him home with us when we're discharged.
So - now we're waiting. Contractions started in the night but nothing serious or regular. We meet with the incoming team of doctors at 9:00 AM to discuss a plan for induction today.
Not exactly what we planned as far as the birth goes but we're staying positive. Our ultimate goal is a healthy baby.
We think 1/11/11 would be a great birthday though we've been warned that once induction starts we could still be 3 days out from baby. Eek!
More updates to come.
My water broke yesterday at 8:00am as I pulled into my parking spot at work. I promptly called Ben, had a quick conference call with the midwives and turned around and drove home.
I was at that time officially 34 weeks and 6 days into the pregnancy. That left me one day short of the required 35 weeks needed to continue care with our midwives.
Our head midwife made the decision to transfer us to Legacy Emanuel hospital to be checked out. We arrived at 1:15 yesterday and we've been here ever since.
The doctors wanted to induce yesterday since I wan't having any contractions but we asked to hold off at least one day. By law if we had Makai yesterday he would have been admitted to the NICU if he needed to be or not and we would have gone home without him. If we have him today he will only go to NICU if he needs to but we can most likely take him home with us when we're discharged.
So - now we're waiting. Contractions started in the night but nothing serious or regular. We meet with the incoming team of doctors at 9:00 AM to discuss a plan for induction today.
Not exactly what we planned as far as the birth goes but we're staying positive. Our ultimate goal is a healthy baby.
We think 1/11/11 would be a great birthday though we've been warned that once induction starts we could still be 3 days out from baby. Eek!
More updates to come.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I need fruit crates.

Sorry no posts for awhile (I'm sure you've all been anxiously awaiting one) and here I am asking for something. I've been sick in bed since Monday with a terrible cold. I'm finally on the mend (barely) just in time for the Tiniest Thompson Showstravaganza tomorrow (check Mr. Ben's facebook page for details, all are welcome). Anyway, I digress...fruit crates.
Ben and I had been struggling with book storage options for Kai's room. We have a million kids books and considered buying a bookshelf from Ikea but would prefer not to buy a new piece of furniture but used something recycled instead. So a few weeks ago I had the brilliant idea to use old crates. Paint them, hang them as a group on the wall and use them as bookshelves and shelving for miscellaneous items. The problem is, we don't have any fruit crates.
Then today as I was surfing ohdeedoh from my bed, I inevitably fell down the blog rabbit hole and came across the picture above. So cute! Turns out I'm as brilliant as I thought I was.
Now I just need fruit crates so if you happen to have any lying around that you've been thinking about parting with, let me know. I'd love to take them off your hands! Or, if you know where I can score some, I'd be greatly appreciative.
On another note, when I say we "have a million kids books" I might be slightly exaggerating but not much. The Mr. Ben parents were very generous at Christmas. We received so many books, which we couldn't be more excited about. If there's one thing Ben is passionate about it's music. For me, it's books. I love them! We read to Kai every night and it's been nice to have a variety of stories as opposed to the few Dr. Seuss books we had. We love the notes that came along with all the books explaining why each one was chosen and why they are loved. Thanks!
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