Success - Kai slept through the night. In his crib. In his own room.
Fail - Arrived at work and noticed that I have on a black bra with white polka dots (sorry to over share and there's more to come, if you don't want to know stop reading now) and a fairly sheer orange silk shirt.
I've found parenting so far to be a series of successes and failures. Above is today's example in short. Thankfully the successes are usually big and the fails relatively small.
So the big news is that Kai slept through the night, in his crib, in his very own room. He's a fairly good sleeper overall but the past couple of weeks we seem to be moving in reverse. He's been sleeping in a co-sleeper in our room and waking up multiple times in the night. Either Ben or I have to get up and replace his pacifier or feed/change him. This after months of sleeping 9 hours a night. We figured we'd try moving him to his own room just to see how it went. It's a bit quieter and cooler over there so maybe it would work. We followed our normal nighttime routine; diaper change, pajamas, music time, story time, bottle, bed. We let him cry for about 10 minutes (which felt like 3 torturous hours to me) before Ben went in and soothed him and replaced his pacifier. He passed right out at that point. At 7:15 this morning he was still soundly asleep without waking up once in the night.
--To give credit where it's due this success was largely Ben's. Left to me Kai would probably sleep in our room until he was 8.
High on our success but still exhausted, I didn't get to bed until 1 AM (damn you angry birds!)so basically got dressed for work in a haze. I arrived at work, got of my car and got the first good look at myself. My black bra with white polka dots clearly showing through my shirt. The shirt of course being bright orange in order to draw the most possible attention. Clearly I was half asleep, barely looked at myself in the mirror and need better lighting in my closet. Instead there will be a mid-day run to Kohl's for a cami. In the meantime I've got my cardigan buttoned which serves the dual purposes of hiding the tacky black bra and accentuating my saggy boobs and muffin top (aka post pregnancy body). I've also discovered those fancy Victoria's Secret bras are just not getting the job done anymore. Time for a big girl bra, not the made for super models with perky boobs bras. And don't even get me started on the wayward eyebrow hair I discovered in the visor mirror this morning (is it just me or does the visor mirror magnify them?) Fail!
And speaking of fails...this blog. It's super outdated. I have about a dozen posts in draft form. The goal is to have a couple posted this week with Makai pictures and updates.
The picture above has absolutely nothing to do with this post but it's a fairly recent one of Makai. Drool and all.
You are pretty amazing to find time to write, work, do laundry, etc. You are a wonderful mother. You might have to change the name of the blog, though. He's not so tiny any more!