Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Waiting Game

A baby and momma update:

My water broke yesterday at 8:00am as I pulled into my parking spot at work. I promptly called Ben, had a quick conference call with the midwives and turned around and drove home.

I was at that time officially 34 weeks and 6 days into the pregnancy. That left me one day short of the required 35 weeks needed to continue care with our midwives.

Our head midwife made the decision to transfer us to Legacy Emanuel hospital to be checked out. We arrived at 1:15 yesterday and we've been here ever since.

The doctors wanted to induce yesterday since I wan't having any contractions but we asked to hold off at least one day. By law if we had Makai yesterday he would have been admitted to the NICU if he needed to be or not and we would have gone home without him. If we have him today he will only go to NICU if he needs to but we can most likely take him home with us when we're discharged.

So - now we're waiting. Contractions started in the night but nothing serious or regular. We meet with the incoming team of doctors at 9:00 AM to discuss a plan for induction today.

Not exactly what we planned as far as the birth goes but we're staying positive. Our ultimate goal is a healthy baby.

We think 1/11/11 would be a great birthday though we've been warned that once induction starts we could still be 3 days out from baby. Eek!

More updates to come.


  1. Good luck and congrats!! You had the shower just in time! :)

  2. Thinking of you guys! Just sent Ben an email -- we had Marcus at Emanuel. He was born at 34 weeks and 1 day! Can relate a little to your experience and can visualize where you are. I know this is a different environment than what you guys had been anticipating, but all will be well! Soon Makai will be in your arms... can't wait to meet him! Hugs to both of you!
