Warm sun, sparkling pool, sandy beaches. Honolulu with a 5-6 week old. Optimistic or stupid? You be the judge.
We'll let you know how it goes when we get back from Hawaii in April. It will no doubt be an adventure. Anyone have any good traveling with an infant stories? Or tips?
Maybe winter is just making us crazy but we couldn't pass up the sweet Hawaii deals and figure if we're giving Makai a Hawaiian name we might as well give him an early taste of Hawaii. Good excuse, right? And maybe it will be motivation to get the baby weight off. :)
I haven't commented before, but I found your blog through your husband's facebook post. Congrats on your impending new arrival! Just wanted to comment that I think that young babies can be perfect travel companions. It seems intimidating at the time, but when you look back on it when your kids is 2 and climbing over all the seats and throwing stuff, flying with a newborn looks like a dream.
ReplyDeleteWe took our son to Mexico for a week when he was three months old and he did great. We just brought plenty of diapers and enough baby clothes and off we went. He slept for most of the trip, although we did have to bounce him and walk him in the aisles for awhile. Hope you have a great trip!
Same route for me as previous commenter! I take my nanny charge to see Mr. Ben on Wednesdays at EcoBaby. Anyway, I think you'll have a lot of fun in Hawaii, as long as you make sure and take it easy and just relax! Babies are very portable at this age. Especially if you're breastfeeding--no bottles to bring, no formula to worry about, no washing of equipment. You won't need to bring all the things you'll have to when the baby is a little older.
ReplyDeleteAnd try not to worry about baby weight! At 5 or 6 weeks it really should still be there.
By the way, I'm also the mom of two teens and a midwifery student (Melanya, your apprentice midwife, is one of my classmates). I'm enjoying your blog and look forward to seeing who this little person is!
Hi Erin, my 4 year old Lola and 2 year old son Finley have been going to see your husband since the beginning. I also saw the link to your post on Mr. Ben's sight and have enjoyed following along with your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteI traveled from Portland to Michigan with both of our children when they were just 6 weeks old and agree that they were the easiest at that age in terms of flying. Maybe we were just lucky but they both just slept and ate on the plane. Obviously you can never predict what will happen, but at such a young age you will not have to worry about them missing their crib and normal environment since they have not connected too firmly to their space yet.
I look forward to meeting you at your shower, and I hope you decide to go to Hawaii! I think there would be nothing better than some warmth and sun and a week with your husband after recovering from childbirth!
Do as much as you can while he's tiny. And have a great time.
ReplyDeleteI know Iowa is not Hawaii, by a long shot, but when Ben was six weeks old, we visited his Thompson grandparents (driving 5 hours from Madison, WI to Iowa). He slept almost the whole time (in transit and while there), waking only to eat. When we left, his grandfather said, "Next time, bring Ben."
ReplyDeleteHawaii with a newborn? Brilliant idea! Everyone will fawn on him, allowing you everything you need!!! Whether that is compassion if his ears hurt in the airplane (plan to nurse at take off and landing to help his ears pop) or working your way through the airports.
ReplyDeleteYou will have an amazing time!!!
We took the kids to Mexico last January and Soleo took all his naps poolside, on the chaise lounges. AMAZING. Loved it!!!
I'm sorry to be missing your shower today!
We had plans to be in Portland and our day kind of crumbled apart...