We had our ultrasound last Friday at noon. We had decided not to find out the sex of the baby in the office but had the doctor seal it up for us so we could open it at dinner. Ben had a lesson at until 6:30 which meant we didn't even leave for dinner until 7:00. The suspense almost killed me. We had a good laugh when we finally got to open the envelope and saw the labeling. We were expecting, "boy" or "male" but instead there it was in black and white. Penis.
While Ben and I were both hoping for a girl, for no particular reason, we both seemed to know it was a boy. We're unbelievably excited and now that we know it's a boy, it just feels right.
It turns out I'm possibly a week further along than initially thought so our due date has been bumped forward a few days to February 12th. Now we're just counting down the days until we get to meet him.
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